Flying in the Covid-19 Era

Since the world came to a halt in March, the travel industry has taken a huge financial hit. Vacations, gatherings, and business trips were cancelled. Within a matter of weeks, our world went virtual. Work, school, medical consults, and even church services were quickly converted to online formats. It has been five months since Covid-19 hit our nation, and the effects are still lingering. Although more people are choosing to travel, some aspects have changed drastically, while others remain the same. Flying in the midst of a pandemic that just won't go away can be stressful and uncertain. I recently flew from Alaska to Pennsylvania and back, so I thought I would share my personal experiences to better help others prepare and know what to expect. On my way out of the state, I flew in three very different aircrafts with three different companies. On the way back, I flew in four aircrafts with those same three companies. My takeaway- every company handles Covid-19 a bit differ...